Thursday, September 30, 2010

New Tranfer, New Address, and New Email.


Bad News is I left Southport Good News Is I'm in Colwyn Bay, Wales now! It is so BEAUTIFUL! Well our flat is actually in Llandudno. Which actually sounds like clandudno. Apparently when there Are 2 "L's" in a row, in welsh it sounds like "CL". More good news there are Two castles in the area! i have seen them but i haven't been able to take any pictures yet but i will be sure to.

My new address is:
7 trinity square Flat 4, Llandudno, Wales LL30 2RA

This week was a great week! I was able to go on exchanges with Elder Sturt in Liverpool. It was great, we focused on picking up habits. For me one thing that i wanted to make a habit is to ask for the investigators name early on in the conversation. After focusing on it I have been much better at getting their names so that conversations can be more personable.

On sat. we taught someone from Poland, named Damian, the lesson went great! He agreed to be baptised if his parents let him. I can't wait to see his name in the harvester when he gets baptised.

We were able to teach someone from Estonia, named Anna, we had a fellow shipper there but we still had to teach her on her door step, because her cousin was getting ready for bed. Anna ended up coming to church on Sunday. She was waiting out side of her house when we picked her up. she was well fellow shipped into relief society.

Sunday is also when I found out I was leaving Southport and was able to say goodbye to a lot of the members. I didn't think it would be that hard to say goodbye. I will miss Southport a lot, but I am looking forward to seeing more of the vineyard.

On Monday we watched the testimates with Luke, our investigator. The spirit was so strong! I tried to hold back tears when the saviour appeared in the Americas. It is such a great film! I hope that Luke felt the spirit as strong as we did.

I am so excited to be working in wales this transfer! Colwyn Bay is so Beautiful! I think this excitement will fuel me to have a great transfer! I am expecting miracles this transfer.

Thanks for the encouragement! I Love and Miss you all!
Love Elder Ballantyne

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