Monday, September 13, 2010

weelky update 9/13


I was able to see Elder Chad Mecham at Zone conference this week, he is serving in South Ribble ward. I am praying that He will become a senior companion and that i will get sent there next transfer! It would be so amazing! But, do any of you have any guesses where I will go next transfer? It would be fun to here what you all say. :~)

Elder Mecham wasn't the only one i saw a zone conference, I saw everyone that came out on the same day as me, but one. I saw Elder Blackburn, Elder Jin, Sister Kullick, and Sister Babbel. It was a great ruinion! I still would like to have seen Elder Feith, who is with my last companion Elder Sherrard.

Zone Conference was amazing! I really enjoyed Sister Bullocks talk on loving the people. It couldn't have been at a better time, because recently i have been getting frustrated with people just instantly rejecting us. It really has helped to realize that they are children of god. So instead of feeling frustrated I feel love for them and i hope that some day they will have another chance to hear the gospel, and then accept it.

I also really enjoyed Pres. Bullocks talk on miracles. I just confirmed to me that we need to Expect miracles, or have faith that miracles can a do happen everyday. It has helped me have a better attitude towards finding. Even when we have hours of straight finding.

Something that has also helped me during long periods of finding is Jumbling up all the pass along cards. It helps me stay on the ball, and also keeps things interesting. Elder Jolliffe and I put it to the test right away. We have experienced a lot more joy during our finding as we use the new pass along cards

I really appreciate the prayers and the support! I love you all!!!
Elder Ballantyne

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