Friday, May 28, 2010

Email from Elder Ballantyne

Hello, so yesterday was my first day in the field. my new companion's name is Elder Sherrard. I am in the Southport area. I am told it is the sunniest part of britain. so far it has been really sunny. Even though i'm in the field i haven't seen any castles, i have seen a lot of massive catholic churches though that look really cool. I live right across the street from one, also i live right next door to the ymca. it's pretty cool. This area is a bus area meaning it's all walking and riding busses.

By the way my mail and package we all waiting for me at the mission home. i haven't gotten a chance to read them all yet. but thanks for all the sweets. i showed my companion the part where you said to make sure and share with my companions. and he said that's good news for me. haha

<--I'm not sure where that line came from by the way <--

That's better.

The last week has been really sunny and hot. It got up to 29 degrees Celsius. that's like 80 degrees farenheit! So last week hasn't been very normal for england. It has hardly rained since i've been here. It did rain on our way to Southport but luckly we were one a bus for that.

We have already been finding and talking to people and we had a lesson with an investigator named Tony. This will probably be the last time I will have to email until monday. Monday is my new p day so that is probably when i will be writing letters and emails now, just so you know. My flat was once a sisters flat, so it's a little nicer than a lot of the elders flats. but there are a lot of flowery things like the bed sheets. and duvets. A duvet is like a comforter for a bed by the way.

So president & sister bullock are really nice! we spent a few hours at the mission home going over what to expect and such. they have a allow up to 2 hours of email time. but that is depending on if we have enough time in our schedules. That and it costs 2 pounds to use the internet at the internet cafe' normally we would go to the library where it would be free but it's closed for some reason. today we have an hour but part of that is to write the president.

So next week we have a zone conference! I'm really excited! we are going camping! There is a pretty good chance that i will see Elder Chad Mecham there. I'll take many pictures, because i am allowed to take my camera. by the way i haven't gotten the sd card yet so i don't want to send the other sd card yet, it could be in one of the letters that i haven't had a chance to read yet. but i have atleast a hundred more photos on this one mostly from our chuch history tour that we had on one of our p days some of the pictures my need some explaining though but i'm not sure how i will do that.

Also Dylan carson and shawn thank you for your letters. and my room was perfect in the mtc. but now i moved and my Flat is still cool but not as nice as the one at the mtc. the food in the mtc was also really good. but now the food is not so great my companion cook eggs and toast for me while i unpacked, it was really nice of him, but even he said it lacked taste. It honestly didn't have any taste, but at least i wasn't hungry any more that's all that matters right? hopefully the members will let us over for dinner appointments, because that would really help.

An hour is a lot better than the half hour that i got in the mtc. i don't think i have ever written an email this long. Well i have ten minuets left so it's time to say goodbye. i love you all thanks for all the support.

Elder Ballantyne
Southport area

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