Monday, January 9, 2012

weekly update 1/9/2012

Hello family!

Things are going great! The work seems to be moving swiftly forward here in the Rossendale valley ward. Last week I mentioned about a member referral, that we had recieved last sunday, named Sarah. We taught her last week on Tuesday. She is doing great, she has a strong member family to support her thought these life changing decisions. She has not accepted baptism yet, but I feel like she soon will. She has been to church three times now and seems to enjoy it. One of the members noticed here the first two weeks and mentioned to us that on the third week, which was the Sunday after we taught here, she seemed different.

We are still teaching Linden and Hailey. They seem to be doing well. We had a great lesson with them on Friday. We took a fairly recent convert with us; he bore quite a powerful testimony, followed up with a strong invitation to attend church. At first they agreed but then remembered that they were invited to a wedding. We will make sure they come this week.

On Sunday a great miracle happened! Earlier in the week we were heading home in the evening. As we were waiting for the bus, we spoke to a man named john we weren’t able to get his details or any return appointment, but we managed to invite him to church, as we do. Personally I don’t thing I have seen anyone come of an invitation on the street. But surprisingly this Sunday John walked in the chapel a few minuets late, and sat down quietly. After the meeting we went and greeted him and ended up getting his details. And we plan to try by him this week. I have a testimony that every effort counts and is not wasted!


With Love,

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